

We have two lives ...The second begins when we realize we only have one. ☮Peace☮♥Love♥Everywhere& Everyone& Animals& Arts&Flowers&
No Weapons&No Porn&No Racism

フォロー数:9489 フォロワー数:10345

Do not be surprised by these! This is a normal things we have here...
The master of yoga takes his nap...

34 129

The most beautiful beauty is the beauty of the heart ... kindness and affection, What a gift God gave us ... Let us use them well.... 💙❤️💚

30 55

Just smile ... 🤔😂🤣🤗👍

3 4

Simply ... Love is ... 👍❤️

150 286

This is a unique beauty ...

51 98

I was flooded with water, my mother ...

9 19