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#FolkloreThursday Fairies Rescuing a Bird from a Cage, Margaret Tempest.
#TheVictorianBookoftheDead Hist! Went the Corpse: 1889 A cunning plan to shake off a mother-in-law who, to quote the corpse, is a "holy terror. Worse than ten parrots and the hydrophobia."
Death's best Olympic events: Wrestling, boxing, dressage (on a pale horse)
#TheVictorianBookoftheDead #Olympics
Death Giving George Taylor a Cross Buttock, William Hogarth, c. 1750
1827 Death in the ring defeats all comers.
Mid-17th c lindenwood carving
#TheVictorianBookoftheDead 1871 A little ten-year-old miss told her mother the other day that she was never going to marry, but meant to be a widow, because widows dressed in such nice black, and always looked so happy.
For the #ForteanFriday of #SharkWeek "Down to the Sea in Sharks"--a survey of the odd objects and people eaten by sharks.
#FolkloreThursday Reported in 1907
To find if your lover is true, touch fire to one of his letters. If the flame is bright and clear, he will be true; if the blaze is small and blue, he will forsake you."
#FolkloreThursday 1888
In various places of Scotland, the peasants point out large flat stones under which they suppose the pestilence to be buried, and which they are anxious not to raise, lest it should emerge, and again contaminate the atmosphere.
#TheVictorianBookoftheDead 1878 second mourning costumes.
Personal collection.
#FolkloreThursday It was said that in the early 18th c. fairies tried to carry off Langton House, crying:
Lift one, lift a'
Baith at back and fore wa',
Up and away wi' Langton House,
And set it down in Dogden Moss.
#TheVictorianBookoftheDead #InternationalNursesDay During the Great War, the nurse facing down death or murdered by the enemy was a popular theme in art, inspired both by Nurse Edith Cavell and the heroism of thousands of unnamed nurses in the field.
Former eBay listings