

20↑ | 不定期腐 | 中文+ENG | 任天雜多

フォロー数:207 フォロワー数:15938

squid boy thinks every blue fighter is his friend...

12641 33439

this is summer alfonse holding icecalibur btw

85 341

made a sharena piece for the very nice wah!! ty wah for teaching me many things😭

782 3080

some fashion attempt???(tfw it looks better without color....😭

327 1374

oops forgot the last one

57 280

some preview of my piece for !!!! thanks for having me in this beautiful zine 😭🙏😭🙏 preorder is open at https://t.co/UeSvyDOx2i !!
so many gorgeous children asdjalsd I CANT CALM DOWN 😭please check it out!

160 598


53 279


965 2185