Nancy's Angry Eyebrows 🥃🍸🍹さんのプロフィール画像

Nancy's Angry Eyebrows 🥃🍸🍹さんのイラストまとめ

"There are two ways to be fooled. One is to believe what isn’t true; the other is to refuse to believe what is true." -Soren Kierkegaard
🚫 Lists

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Are any of your 'gun safety measures' in this pile of gun control laws currently on the books?

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"Commonsense gun safety reforms..."
Howzabout you simply enforce the laws already on the books? Locking up criminals would be a great start. Born and raised in NJ. It's politicians like you that make me glad I left! Making good people helpless won't make bad people harmless!

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Hey there any inanimate object is only as violent or as peaceful as the person using it. (but you lefties already know that)

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Student debt 'forgiveness' in a nutshell…

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You' re a perfect example of what Vladimir Lenin called a 'useless idiot'!

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Hey there Mr Blue Checkmark, it's laughable to want to pass more laws when they won't even enforce the bazilliion laws already in place. It ain't the gun, it's the evil one who pulls the trigger!

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, I'm so sorry you're lacking in critical thinking skills. But the you work as a typist/propagandist for WaPo, so there's that!

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Don't let them fool you. The ultimate goal is to try to confiscate all guns. Read some history to learn what has been done to people who have been disarmed.

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I know what you and your cohorts will do (besides bloviating and pandering) You'll pass more laws that don't solve the problem but take rights away from good people.

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