Heaton Moor Parkさんのプロフィール画像

Heaton Moor Parkさんのイラストまとめ

We are a group of local residents whose aim is to promote the enjoyment and management of our park and to protect its future heritage.Public domain images used.

フォロー数:137 フォロワー数:1704

Birthday in the park: Pierre Jean François Turpin1775 – 1840), French botanist and illustrator.......https://t.co/TCx763ob2X

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Botanical illustration and the park: Revue Horticole, ser. 3: t2 1848.......BHL/Missouri Botanic Garden.....https://t.co/oHc9RCEHzD

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Lockdown and the park: The lockdown, illustrated by Mariano Pascual............https://t.co/TvtTL1iPom

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Botanical illustration and the park: Margaret Rebecca Dickinson Collection of Watercolors - a talented Victorian artist who assembled a collection of over 1,000 British plant specimens, now available on Jstor ...... https://t.co/nwOsOQ7how

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Botanical illustration and the park: Flore médicale des Antilles, ou, Traité des plantes usuelles :des colonies Françaises, Anglaises, Espagnoles et Portugaises/ME & JT Descourtilz...1821-1829, BHL/Missouri Botanic Garden, 8 vols....https://t.co/oqR3zwNEyK

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Black tailed godwits and the park......... we keep hoping.......Project Godwit, from the RSPB........https://t.co/uVCJKHZ7WP (Image: BHL)

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Resources and the park: British Caricature and Satire.......Collection of 184 British satirical prints dating from the eighteenth to nineteenth centuries. .......... https://t.co/4klmjdKk4V

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Nesting birds and the park: the law and the issue of hedge-cutting in the breeding season.......https://t.co/m6ey6GA5Ez https://t.co/QqrbLLaVwz (Images: BHL)

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Natural history illustration and the park: Iconografia della fauna italica : per le quattro classi degli animali vertebrati.....by CL Bonaparte, 4 vols, 1832-1841, BHL/Smithsonian....https://t.co/FLZvIa2tG6

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Botanical illustration and the park: Deutschlands flora in abbildungen nach der natur, by Jakob Sturm, 1798-1862, BHL/Harvard, several volumes, https://t.co/TUi9yxY3Um

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