Heaton Moor Parkさんのプロフィール画像

Heaton Moor Parkさんのイラストまとめ

We are a group of local residents whose aim is to promote the enjoyment and management of our park and to protect its future heritage.Public domain images used.

フォロー数:137 フォロワー数:1704

Birthday in the park: James Sowerby, 1757-1822, naturalist and illustrator........https://t.co/GmreiqYRCU

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Birthday in the park: Jessie M King, 1875-1949, illustrator and designer......https://t.co/bHKkTyDhuX

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Birds of the park, and elsewhere: Beautiful birds in far-off lands : their haunts and homes, by Mary Kirby and Elizabeth Kirby, 1872, from BHL/University of Toronto ..... https://t.co/vyRrFxeEd2

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Sculpture in the park: HAM, sculptures bot, sharing Sculptures from Harvard Art Museums - Fogg, Busch-Reisinger, and Arthur M. Sackler museums.......https://t.co/jPYLhwBfAr

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Dogs of the park, and elsewhere: what is the canine density of Heaton Moor? ......https://t.co/V7GcVCycdE (Images: BHL)

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E-book and the park: Dream boats and other stories: portraits and histories of fauns, fairies, fishes and other pleasant creatures, by Dugald Stewart Walker, 1920......https://t.co/SHt08MBuMz

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Natural history and the park: Getreue Abbildungen naturhistorischer Gegenstände in Hinsicht auf Bechsteins kurzgefasste gemeinnützige Naturgeschichte des In- und Auslandes ....by JM Bechstein, 1793-1809, 8 vols, from BHL/Smithsonian.....https://t.co/QGYbZ0Iklh

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Bats in the park: we hope for pipistrelles.........Proposed Bill threatens the conservation of British bats, by seeking to reduce their protection in places of worship ................https://t.co/6JwAtPeyDZ (Image: BHL)

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Botanical illustration and the park: orchids, terra incognita and "black cattle"....... fascinating article by Elaine Ayers.....https://t.co/Zy5ZcgoyOW https://t.co/DrGLYmfBuP https://t.co/CpND0g13TD (Image: RGBE)

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Botanical illustration and the park: Exotic botany illustrated : in thirty-five figures of elegant Chinese and American shrubs and plants, many of them new..... by John Hill, 1772, BHL/Harvard, https://t.co/PnXLizBYN5

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