

Accident prone lover of folklore/horror/fantasy/science/history.

フォロー数:880 フォロワー数:1925

1 hour vs 2 hours (scattered)

Yep, a whole hour on just one eye, an eye that's nowhere near finished.

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An Inconvenient Spot.

Random sketch to test my poor brokenish tablet...

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"Dostoyevsky's dead," said the woman, though not very confidently.

"I protest!" exclaimed Behemoth warmly. "Dostoyevsky is immortal!"

The Master and Margarita | Bulgakov

Behemoth is a demonic cat who loves sarcasm, chess, and vodka. 🥂

🖼️Jana Heidersdorf

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"He scarcely ever wears a blade, except as a matter of show. He groans if he has to ride a few miles on a horse. Don Diego is about as dangerous as a lizard basking in the sun."

The Mark of Zorro | Johnston McCulley (1924)

🖼️Omar Rayyan

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"Where you used to be, there is a hole in the world, which I find myself constantly walking around in the daytime, and falling in at night. I miss you like hell."
—St. Vincent Millay

Lonely Hades kidnapped Persephone but still only has her for half the year.

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"it is madness in all women to let a secret love kindle within them, which, if unreturned and unknown, must devour the life that feeds it..."

Jane Eyre | Charlotte Brontë

🖼️Mavka (Rusalka) by Adam Duff

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"The real world is in a much darker and deeper place than this, and most of it is occupied by jellyfish..."

The Wind-Up Bird Chronicle | Haruki Murakami


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"and then she remembered that human beings could not live in the water, so that when he got down to her father's palace he would be quite dead."

The Little Mermaid | Hans Christian Andersen

🖼️Kiss of the Wave after Gustav Wertheimer (1847-1902)

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"It is almost unnerving to see the actor's own personality...be wrenched, thrown about, transformed and literally possessed by another persona."
-Richard Eyre, Director

Some believe the 'spirit' of a play manifests its very own demon, possessing actors on stage.

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