hedonicghost 👻 no qrtさんのプロフィール画像

hedonicghost 👻 no qrtさんのイラストまとめ

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フォロー数:16 フォロワー数:68

omss server prompt “a bright smile” uwu!
aka pov you told luke his newest recipe is his best yet

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surprise! another omss server prompt, “nice dream” what’s he dreamin about :thinking: ?

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yet another omss server prompt, “cozy outfit”!

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a doodle from the omss from a week or so ago! the prompt was “sleeping in” uwu

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pov: you just bought the mech tech her favorite snack and she’s .5 seconds away from tackling you for them
wayfarers series

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i think it’s funny to imagine ohan following corbin around after being cured just to bully him while he sits there and takes it because it’s what he gets
wayfarers series

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anon: Play dead!
[“We are /trying/ to /not/ do that one, actually.”]
congrats! you found the one (1) trick luke ((won’t)) can’t do!

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anon: Does Luke know how to fetch?
"I can't say I'm complaining, I like not having to spend my grimm, I just I wish he'd stop making Phenex's and my apartment smell like vanilla extract..."

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anon: yeah "give paw" and "roll over" was cute but ive personally seen luke walking on his hind legs 😤
"Really, Anon, it's absurd to imply that I'd walk any other way."

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Artistic interpretation of my partner’s cat when she found a way outside into the 20mph wind without me hearing it

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