

22, Most stuff I like is NSFW so no Minors! (PFP by @magiimari )

フォロー数:3515 フォロワー数:214

u know not much maybe just a bit of HER FAT AND BELCHING (its canon sega told me)

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Accompanying Simon on this grand journey is Elias the Hero Wolf! Once a grand hero of legend of the Kingdom of Symphony, his tales have been lost to time ever since he was cursed to live as a wolf. Yet no matter what, a heroic (1)

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To actually build on this conversation, the characters of Invincible in the TV show were actually changed to represent their actors. Debbie Grayson, for example, was made Korean because Sandra Oh is Korean herself. And Rex Splode was made Greek because of Jason Mantzoukas. Cool.

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