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フォロー数:232 フォロワー数:271

Answer D. The ability to resurrect with flawless skin and perfect hair.

(I don't think Jean's an Empath. She uses Telepathy to read people's minds/emotions. She doesn't really "feel" them. Or she would have figured out that, Scott was cheating on her and Emma loved him, etc...)

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She creates her own energy and uses it to levitate. So yes, she can only fly. Tho, as mutants are using their powers in synch now, I can easily see how her ability could be harnessed for other purposes.

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☽ Spooky reading ! ☾
🌿Tales of Greek Mythology 🌿 - Day 2

Athena's participation to Halloween is indulging into mortal literature. Oh, the horror !


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☽ Feeling Wicked ! ☾
🌿Tales of Greek Mythology 🌿 - Day 1

is on ! I'm participating for the first time and very happy that had some Greek Mythology related prompts.
Aphrodite was a fun first model to Halloween up !💖

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Absolute nonsense.
Yet 100% true.

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The self-identification of Romani people during events like the Romani World Congress does really help define the group. I'm literally taking Romani people's word for it. :)
Also, I insist, there is massive racism against POC and Ariel is PERFECT as a black mermaid.

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Yea 😅
It would be really cool to have Meagan Tandy in the X-Men tho, and more Actors of Color in general. She could work as Rogue. 💪

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100% aligned.
It's like comparing a tiger to a house cat. There's no reason to pin them against each other. They are both great in their own way, and they are even better when they work together.

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