

20↑ I draw fanart. Thank you for liking! Tellius/Magvel | pfp by katsucii 💜 |
I like FE, LoP and AA/DGS | Do not use/repost my art. comms closed

フォロー数:936 フォロワー数:1427

(old) Another Berkut and Rinea thing I did in september

28 59

Berkut and Rinea ~ Happy Valentine's day!

41 92

Some of the best Fáfnir art I did lately. No matter how many times I draw him I'll never understand his armor

21 47

Our dear brother ❤
Love Fáfnir from feh! I can't wait to learn more about him and Ótr.

70 190

Hilda and Bernadetta in their winter outfits!

4 8

loremari? lorianne? What's the ship name,,

678 1963