

homo faggotries & undercommons—sodomies, Lo Gai Saber, espellar Mascle—poètica documental—digging heritage—visual crafts essay (18+)—Recombination is our task,

フォロー数:584 フォロワー数:4696

; after a long, loud noise, a sudden silence may seem deafening.

Christianity, Social Tolerance, and Homosexuality. Gay People in Western Europe from the Beginning of the Christian era to the 14th C.
*img s xiv Hyenas embracing, in Fürstenfelder Physiologus

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The smooth rude muscle, calm and slow and tender,
The alabaster shaft, the pale pink shrine,
The crimson glory of the lustrous gland
Lurking in dewy darkness half-concealed,
Like a rose-bud peeping from clasped silken sheath.

—#JohnAddingtonSymonds, c 1870 Phallus Impudicus

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Sodomy slips into the cracks, precisely when it no longer carries a distinct sociocultural charge, and yet it is at this point that it begins to assume its most tangible form.

―#GregorySHutcheson, 1999 Desperately Seeking Sodom /

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en les paraules, les veus i les imatges.
la manera de construir i apropar-nos la historia, la genealogia,
. . i queden tres sessions al

*img 2017 Isaac

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La nature s’éveille et de rayons s’enivre. . .
Nature awakes and bathes in shining rays. . .

—#ArthurRimbaud, 1869 LEdO
*img c 1954 Man at a Washbasin

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Malcolm constitutes the quintessential unfinished text. He is a text that we, as Black People, can finish, that we can write the ending for, that we can give closure to—or reopen—depending on our own psychic & social needs.
—#MarlonRiggs, 1992

*img 2000

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Wingless upon your pinions forth I fly;
Heavenward your spirit stirreth me to strain;

—#Michelangelo, Sonnet
dedicated to
trans. in 1904 by
*img unknown, after lost copy 1500s Il ratto di Ganimede

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, i així, la «identitat» no és ni una realitat ni un programa, ni un passat ni un futur ni un present, sinó un espai d'impugnacions i de conflictes polítics i culturals.

—#DidierEribon, 1999 (2004) Insult,
*img 1991 Spanish Court

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I'm beginning to believe that one of the last frontiers left for radical gesture is the imagination. At least in my ungoverned imagination I can. . .

1989 Postcards from America: X-Rays from Hell, in CttK
*img 1987 David's Fire, detail

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