jew ✹ art only ♡さんのプロフィール画像

jew ✹ art only ♡さんのイラストまとめ

💌 for work and art commissions, reach out to @jewiedoodles

フォロー数:3310 フォロワー数:5111

If you see this tweet, show us your quarantine process 😩

September 2020 December 2020

I'm proud of my improvements, little by little for every artworks or commissioned pieces I make. Thank You, Lord 🥺💖🙏

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First artwork using procreate and a slightly new style as well. 🥺 One step closer to being a character and children's book illustrator. One step at a time, I got this! 💕

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Thank you all so much for commissioning me! :"> (Styles are in butterscotch and bubbly bloom)

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Commissioned works for clients from both Instagram and Twitter. Thank you so much for commissioning me!

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Bubbly Bloom pairs and solo in bust! Thank you so much for commissioning me! Clients are from Instagram!

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Bubbly Bloom headshots! Clients are from both Twitter and Facebook, thank you so much for commissioning me!

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Truffle style in bust! Thank you so much for commissioning me! Clients are from both Instagram and Twitter!

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Colourette headshots! Clients from Instagram, thank you so much for commissioning me!

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Pet Illustrations! Clients are from both Instagram and Twitter! Thank you so much for commissioning me!

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Family portraits! Commissioned works from Instagram clients, thank you all so much for commissioning me! Styles are in Colourette and Bubbly Bloom! :)

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