

hexa: LOCAL DUCK ENTHUSIAST / header: @mordhiobhail

フォロー数:200 フォロワー数:3090

its been. nine years. happy 413

108 198

XTINE: vrisrezi are mean asian hotties FOR SURE

37 99

oh you know.

33 53

draws from the girls blog..................TALL NEP.........

10 13

i tried out a new brush but it didnt really work out ;w; oh well

3 20

a lowas scribble from today!

17 43

lup my magic fire girl...... i LOVE HER!! quick scrib for

every day i wake up and think about how griffin mcelroy made the coolest character in all of taz a trans girl. this is what i live for

17 57

goth looks by rolal

12 29

uhhhh doing dumb things with colours...some ashido/tsuyu idk what the ship name is

31 58


70 172