

NYooooom (professional biker as you can see)

フォロー数:290 フォロワー数:188

I made a black clover oc, I just wanted to draw the royal knights robe xd

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I'm 14, and I only just in the last month started using my mums old graphics tablet, Which is a wacom CTE-440. :)

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So, first time trying to draw a monkey, I suck at animals but I tried. I also made the makeup around the eye darker because you said her makeup was really dark last night during the stream.

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Heres the fanart i said i'd do when i was in your stream, i hope i got the right cosmetics and stuff, my screenshots weren't the best.

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1st ones my new remake of todoroki, kinda failed at keeping it chibi but I like it! Second ones my first try I think a year ago now? I love both nonetheless!

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I saw your draw this in your style! and i need practice so i had a go at it :3

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I made a new profile pic, Using a new program from now on :3 or atleast for my computer, My style changed a lot from last time i drew my profile pic.

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I got in trouble for drawing on my school work again and I got bored yesterday xd testing out new styles kind of

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