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Bunnies. BUNNIES! Can't stop thinkn bout BUNNIES! BUNNIES ATE MY BRAIN !!!!!!!
A well fed squirrel and his cricket compatriot/too much NyQuil and these dudes came to mind
From upcoming Scarecrow n Nightingale/tall southern fairy tale of love, loss and devotion
Political discussions have been fraught of late/so having a festive b'day celebration 2morrow
worst thing we can do is to give in to fear/so stay brave/stay vigilant/stay involved.
The Duomo is vast/a tiny spot on the gates is intimate/eons of prayers have burnished the bronze
My teddy/me n puff the magic dragon/that song haunted me/realize now it inspired Ollies Odyssey
Summer is coming/a kid/a toy/endless freedom/ollie's odyssey prequel
This Sat. I introduce Bambi at the tcm film fest in LA/interviewing voice of Bambi/very honored
I want to see your favorite toys/ here is post of what I'm doing/ read/PLEASEsend me pics