허마일 '3')さんのプロフィール画像

허마일 '3')さんのイラストまとめ

🛸 웹3.0 탐사가이드, 문어함장 허마일
빠름이 아닌 바른 공부, 대체 불가한 스터디, DEBULLS co. Ltd
#커뮤니티 운영 #콘텐츠 기획제작 #NFT브랜딩 #Ai & 메타버스 활용

🐙 문옥이와 함께하는 웹3 실전프로젝트 Moon Octopus '3'

フォロー数:668 フォロワー数:1615

Because I'm the ship's captain! Isn't that obvious?
This is just me, the picture came out a little handsome..haha..

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Ethereal, remember me...
I'm ... Boardcollie#0374 😅

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I cheer for Ethereal to expand into the world while preserving its original beauty.
Let's go to the moon!

This is a web promotion video
I'll be the Ethereal ambassador!

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I cheer for Ethereal to expand into the world while preserving its original beauty.
Let's go to the moon!

This is a web promotion video
I'll be the Ethereal ambassador!

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