

ヴェティ☆ ヒプマイ (麻天狼とBAT) ☆ スターレイル ⚔🍁🌙🌟と🧂🦚 ☆ ソニックゲームズ ☆夢キャス 🧡🐹 ☆ ハロウィン ☆ J-Music/V系 ☆ FF14 ☆ ♈☉ ♋↑ ♒☽ ☆ 🔞

フォロー数:350 フォロワー数:377


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Remember this Gaku-

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When your plane has been delayed so long you don’t know when it’s supposed to land anymore

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I think Gentaro had the hat one other time too but these are all I can find rn I’m so glad we got him wearing it in like actual official art now too!!!!

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I say this probably every birthday but I really do love this wholesome birthday tradition of changing our icons to something ridiculous for someone’s bday

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My finger slipped

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I know there’s several characters who share a name but still when someone is like “I love Gaku” I’m like “ah, yes, I also love Gaku,”

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I guess it’s Jin loving day 😤💜 JIN!!!

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