

bsd (skk) / jjk (夏五/五夏) / bts ✦ fanartist ✦ I like gojo satoru a normal amount ✦ please do not repost my art

フォロー数:596 フォロワー数:11421

Aldnoah Gakuen Slaine ♥ If A/Z Gakuen was an anime... //prays for them to animate

36 47

Practicing some screencap-esque drawings. I'm really enjoying it *-* WIP of Aldnoah Gakuen Slaine

50 108

A little late, but happy 1 year to AZ! I've only been in the fandom for a bit but it's been a wild ride.

36 50

Terrible edit because I packed away my tablet already, but sorry not sorry ( ・ω・)

57 52

Partners in crime ♥

96 165