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never recover after oomf pointed out how every other replay 3* is them winking and trying 2 be sexy but jnmk are just like having such a purely fun time
obviously trunks is wau too cool to Be him bjt thats not what kinnings about hes living a power fantasy where he can cut people up with swords and its good. But truly i just think theure both really gay looking really
thissouma makes me qafwafvgaiufviwfvwawgbvuriuweqgqweuqgqwugwququgiwqifgfawvuivwiuawwabgviuwbwauibawuiawbviuawbviuawvbwavbw
the last thought i remember having last night was Wow it is honestly like insane how horsey he is. Its honestly like actually fucked up. Its kin d of scares me. and then i passed out
Ujejwqwjwqjwejew. Jjewjjjjefedkndfsjjjerwhjeewweuiwuwewe wuwuwwwuwuueueeee eueue eee