

ヒナタボッコス Yo! I’m a cat lover graphic designer& illustrator in Japan😸 😼かきあげ団のデザ員😾NO AI learning

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今日はとっても暑いから枇杷葉湯(びわようとう)を飲んで一休み😸🍵It’s very hot today☀️They’re drinking loquat leaves tea😸🍵Let’s take a little break😺

18 63

枇杷葉湯(びわようとう)売り😸🍵枇杷の葉と肉桂、甘草、ガジュツ、甘茶を煎じています😺試飲は無料だよ😼💝a peddler of loquat leaves tea😸🍵He is brewing loquat leaves tea, hydrangea tea, Chinese cinnamons, licorice’s, and white turmerics😺It’s a sample, please try it😼💝

33 82

とらちゃんと同僚😼Tora-chan and co-workers

5 37

とらちゃんTシャツを作ります😸I'll make a Tora-chan patterned T-shirt

0 21

みんなで遊ぶと楽しいの😸Hanging out with friends is fun😸

27 92

とらちゃんは猫だから無理しないの😸Tora-chan is a cat, so she doesn't push herself too hard

8 45

Tora-chan in the Disney universe🐭

3 50

a peddler of ayu fishes🐟😸鮎売り

46 162

唐辛子売り🌶😸a peddler of chillies

19 74

金魚売り😺a peddler of goldfishies

45 204