

ヒナタボッコス Yo! I’m a cat lover graphic designer& illustrator in Japan😸 😼かきあげ団のデザ員😾NO AI learning

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とらちゃんには知らないことがたくさんあるの😺There are many things Tora-chan doesn't know😺

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とらちゃんは猫だけどお風呂が大好き😻🛀Tora-chan is a cat, but she really loves to take a bath😻🛀

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self portrait and Mimi-chan😸💓🐈

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ベビーカーミットの妹🐸🎶baby Kermit the Frog's little sister

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I only sell an e-book on our online shop now, want to concentrate making new LINE stickers😺Some items are prepped to ship overseas🇮🇹🇦🇺😸📦📦

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とらちゃんはアライグマさんとビデオ通話中😸🦝お皿洗いを楽しくする方法を教えてくださいにゃ😺Tora-chan has a video call with Raccoon-san😸🦝Could you tell me how to wash dishes with fun?😺

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たくさん食べて元気が出たから運動するの💪😸Tora-chan ate many fish, it lifts her spirit😺She starts working out💪😸

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Families with girls display traditional dolls, they wish their girl's health and happiness😸👧

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Koala is her best friend🐨😸

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