

ヒナタボッコス Yo! I’m a cat lover graphic designer& illustrator in Japan😸 😼かきあげ団のデザ員😾NO AI learning

フォロー数:2635 フォロワー数:6745

友達と池袋を探検😸100均で買った棒が倒れた方向へサイコロの出目の数だけ進みました😺🎲I explored with my friend in Ikebukuro😸We bought a tension rod at the hundred yen store. We pulled it down, decided the direction of travel. Put the same number as dice ahead😺🎲

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お魚ありがとう!と、とらちゃんは言っています😸"Thanks for the fish!" says Tora-chan

8 50

😿お腹がぺこぺこ… 🐯あそこに釣り人がいるよ!😿I'm starving 🐯Over there! That's an angler!

2 24

美味しそうな雲😺Clouds look delicious

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🦅Boohoo, I can't eat breakfast! 🙀 Living stray cats are very hard!

6 29

😾🦅とんび、お前を食べてやるぞ!😾🦅I'll eat you up, black kite‼︎

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野良猫の掟に従って、とらちゃんはボス猫の一段下に座りました😸Tora-chan obeys the stray cat's law, she descend a step and sat down😸

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相島はどんなところかな😸💓What's Ainoshima like❓

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フェリーに乗るよ😸Tora-chan is going to be on the ferry⛴

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