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1月11日は鏡開きの日😸鏡餅を木槌で割ります😺January 11th is Kagami-biraki😸It's a custom of breaking kagami-mochi into pieces with a wooden hammer😺
とらちゃんは冬眠したいと思っています❄️😸💤Tora-chan hopes to hibernate during the winter.
In Japan, people eat "nanakusa-gayu" (the seven herb rice porridge) on the morning of January 7th.
This custom is to invite good luck and longevity by eating herbs that endure the cold winter.
Tora-chan's favorite books
①What is teamwork
②I am a cat
(Author:Soseki Natsume)
③Designs of cat foods
④Humans languages-meowish dictionary
⑤Humans languages dictionary
⑥Human's heart
明けましておめでとうございます🍊😸 With best New Year’s wishes!
日本では12月に大掃除をします。掃除をしているとついつい本を読んでしまいます📚🧹😺💦 In Japan, December is the month of total house cleaning. I can't help myself reading books while cleaning my room.
鏡餅を飾る予定です😸🍊年末とお正月の準備が始まります😺🐾 We'll decorate our house with “kagamimochi". It is a rice cake to appreciate and eat as a token of wellbeing. I'll start preparing for the year-end and New Year’s events.