

🇲🇨 IND/EN | FUB free | Multifandom (PM, PGR, HSR) / ori | 20⬆️ | tired jp lit student

フォロー数:1132 フォロワー数:965

fistfighting my burnout and exhaustion of drawing by warming up with my sonas

7 29

February commission batch from Discord!
I'm getting slower and slower good god

6 21

rl things and commissions + zine have taken the majority of my time, but please have these assorted images of WW AU Minus in the meantime

7 28

my favorite eyeman

12 73

commissions for some folks on discord!

12 37

color practice (feat vinno) before I render commissions
...I have not colored /properly/ in almost a month

7 55