

■youtube→ youtube.com/@hiroch1785

【Commission OK!】
■V-gen→ vgen.co/hiro6989
日本語/EN OK

フォロー数:294 フォロワー数:3416

次の切り抜き漫画は  を描いてます。
Eng ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
The next clipping cartoon depicts hololiveGTA.

57 379

Trick or Treat🧙‍♀️&🐱

6 25

Hi, I'm Hiro, an illustrator in Japan.🙂

I usually draw fan art for EN and JPVtubers, and illustrations for Merchandise on request.

Thank you tor visiting and I would appreciate it if you RT❤️

6 28

New cartoon clippings Compilation Part 4 have been uploaded.

151 781