

🔞❗️NSFW❗️a member of the general public. your local NPC. animal ears yay. minors dni!

フォロー数:688 フォロワー数:44

please accept the twin as well (シ_ _)シ

2 10

mini Tenchan! pls handle with care... hes quite shy (*・ω・)ノ

fanart ^^

3 14

everything is so cuteee (≧▽≦)/ wuaaaah i crei TnT

fanart (/w\)

1 10

im still dead from the cuteness (/^ ་། ^)/ sorry for the art spam .・゚゚・(/ω\)・゚゚・. just lemme get this out of my system for a bit

fanart ^w^

0 5

ten plushies when? lmaoo happy birthday and 6mos celeb! ⊂(♡⌂♡)⊃

fanart ^^

4 10

soooo cuteeeee (/ε\*) im ded.

fanart |ω・)ノ

0 6