

Mainly Taiko no Tatsujin and Puyo Puyo (Quest), sometimes Project Sekai (Taiwan)

フォロー数:57 フォロワー数:245

Extra Power Change Strange Klug keeps the new book design in EP Change Klug

1 3

Akito says f☆ck (TWsekai Dragon Boat Festival Stamp Design Contest winner)

0 0

In case you are wondering what the "ditto carbys" in FP Masked Satan are

36 112

Sega hiring private eye agency to search for the missing YouTube Rewind 2021

6 26

wow they put fan favourite Puyo Puyo character into Super Monkey Ball Banana Mania https://t.co/tAp2gE2tSh

0 0

In Soul-selling news, Pink Fish Boy is steamy actor

9 35