

Half-Mexican, Adult School Teacher, and Artist- Ko-Fi: Insta: historydame she/ her

フォロー数:635 フォロワー数:76

I caught up! I’ll post today’s tonight! Prompts were: Borzoi, Wild Dog, Sharkey, German Shepherd, Whippet, Disney Dog, Husky, and Australian Shepherd.

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Over on Insta animatedlife started a Dogust list. Gave it a try. I’m not a fast artist so this has been a great challenge. Some I love, some I don’t like, but it’s been fun! Fighting my perfectionism has not been fun 😂 I’m two behind before I’m caught up.

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I finally finished something! It’s not amazing, but I actually finished some artwork 😂

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Bought coloring pages. I use them to warmup before drawing. It was so much fun! Two different styles mashed into one 😂

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...the rare times I change my style. I need to do it more.

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Here, have a cute hippo. I was trying out some brushes I made in :)

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My brother wanted him and his wife drawn in the style of I tried lol

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Thanks for the thread! I work in digital and traditional. I seem to focus on realism, but I'm trying my hardest to branch out. I've included a WIP because I'm proud of how its coming out lol Also, deserves more love!!

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