

i dont use social media often but i'm gonna try to! please dont mind my typos. i'm easily spooked

フォロー数:120 フォロワー数:219

character in the right belongs to my beloved friend !!!!

*her eye is a camera she uses for work

1 9

more old ocs redesign/remade, i'm having fun with them for a while

3 17



some Aaravos and Viren doodles for my friend's birthday!

4 21

i think thats my first anthro oc that i really feel comfortable to draw

1 11

repost because i fixed something x_x

5 18

i don't know how to write dialogue properly, but i hope it's understandable

younger Vanessa and Hans. she was afraid he wouldn't understand, so she took a shot in the dark. they've been best friends ever since.

1 10