

Hoax fighter and fact finder. Main tools: reverse image search and coffee. Operated by @JanneFI Mastodon: mastodon.world/@hoaxeye

フォロー数:449 フォロワー数:207977

That is not a real photo of Bob Dylan and John Lennon. It’s a photoshop job. More info: https://t.co/C6z7IfMbRg

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First they claimed the child in that photo is Angela Markel. When they realized how impossible that claim was, it was time to change the name to Herlind Kasner (not ‘Kosner’ and definitely not Hitler 😂)
Photo by Heinrich Hoffmann https://t.co/jDDqJsafai

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I posted about this 'moon kisses the sea' picture because I found the original version from the artist's Facebook page. and have debunked this many times over the years. https://t.co/TXX8y2wwBs

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