hobotown.wtf 🛢さんのプロフィール画像

hobotown.wtf 🛢さんのイラストまとめ

6,900 hobos livin’ on tha ..errrthereum blokchayn 📦 this is ..uh CC0 art collectible prawject 🪕 #hobotown

フォロー数:358 フォロワー数:4837

hobos are awful strong togithuurr

hobos are smart togithuurr

hobos ken do anything they sed theuurr maand too

it's tahm ta build an army

it's the only way the goblins ken be defeated


70 217

it's tahm ta make nfts fun agayn

it's tahm ta push these goblins bak ta wherevuurr they done came frawum

it's tahm ta bond togithuurr around thay ...uhh burn barrel

keep a-pushen' on tweeter

21 70

the time has come ta take bak our town

free mint is’a live, 1 hobo per wallet


28 83

so we’re uh givin out 5 hobos ta thay ...err first 200 folk ta

tag frends + retweet

416 563