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#GiovanniBattistaGaulli born Genoa, Italy #otd 1639. Also known as Baciccio or Baciccia. Artist working in the #HighBaroque & early #Rococo periods.
'Glory of the Mystical Lamb',Church of the Gesù frescoes
🖼️'Cardinal Alfonso Litta' : Wikipedia
#ErnstLudwigKirchner born #otd 1880. German #expressionistpainter & #printmaker. A founder of the artists group Die Brücke or "The Bridge",a key group leading to the foundation of #Expressionism in 20th-century art.
🖼️Berlin Street Scene,1913: Wikipedia
'Happy the Man' : #JohnDryden died #otd 1700
Happy the man, and happy he alone,
He who can call today his own:
He who, secure within, can say,
Tomorrow do thy worst, for I have lived today.
🖼️ 'Dad' : Linzi Lynn : FineArtAmerica
'Lochinvar':Sir #WalterScott :1771-1832
..When they reach’d the hall-door,& the charger stood near;
So light to the croupe the fair lady he swung,
So light to the saddle before her he sprung!
#JohnSuckling born #otd 1609. English poet, dramatist & courtier. Died Paris 1642
'I prithee send me back my heart'
I prithee send me back my heart,
Since I cannot have thine;
For if from yours you will not part,
Why, then, shouldst thou have mine?