


フォロー数:19 フォロワー数:7

I can't believe the demo version of the game opened so soon!Always believe in your speed!
She is my beautiful miss MC Evelyn yinoster! Her nickname is SRY, which means the sky!
In addition, I am curious, what is the oldest age of the future protagonists? 23?

2 75

That's lovely😍😍💓💓💓,? Anosil's long hair is so annoying. I'm going to shorten her hair😚. Hahaha, I'm so dandy

7 156

I want to try the artistic style of OL, but I failed🤣It's just a draft. I have time to refine it.I'm too lazy. Blue and green are used specially for contact lenses!!! 😆It's the color of Cove!💖🥺

7 84

It's my OC! ! ! The name is Jessica White! ! ! I can't write if I don't write it. 🥺I like the style of XOBD too much.

Persistence in official style
There's also a video dubbing🤪Send it later

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