

中国人,画画的⸝⸝ ᷇࿀ ᷆⸝⸝,方舟博士,dd


フォロー数:911 フォロワー数:73

koyori!!happy birthday!!It's been a year with you unconsciously😍😍

(For some reason,I'm busy and tired recently. So I didn't prepare for this picture and I'm really a little bit upset because of it)

0 10

I'm gachi so I draw the anti painting. It is very reasonable.
ottosei koyori、motto motto!
[Both of them are used as the new videos' cover of 如月こより応援会]

0 9

"choose one to taste?"
Today is Mid-Autumn Festival and the brown things in the picture is moon cakes🌝
(I just want to draw something that a little bit ero,ww)

0 12


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( '▿ ' )

1 13

Today is Qixi!The Chinese Valentine's Day!So I drew a picture of koyori and me(ww

2 12

Offline singing....
I don't know who to envy for a moment

4 45