

-2 time award winner 2023
-God over all

フォロー数:6665 フォロワー数:15844

Could you kindly take a look at my work, hoping you find something you like.

15 29

I just need someone to buy my paintings.. This is my 8 to 5 plus overtime 😊😊..
I ship anywhere..

3 5

No offense but my paintings going viral would actually suck..
on Insta.
I follow back.

0 3

Suddenly I'm feeling great.. Signed means a piece has reached a point where I feel I don't want to do anything to it anymore..

I'm literally smiling.
From the random series.

on Instagram

1 3

Doing some work for a client..
Tell me what you think.

0 0

Work in progress... Adjustments and changes still to be made...

1 6