

フォロー数:3175 フォロワー数:1277

Cleo steps up to the plate heres the pitch?!

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heheh il do that many times over cause your just to cute >w>💗💗💗among your art~

what would you say once I got the spare funds next month we do something like that for one of these two~

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OwO lets go! brining tristan sebastion Gaia and kendra to the fray

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*is tempted to say it 1000 times over..but is also wondering what may happen if I do go through with it*....fuck it PEASENT OWO

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d~dont mind me just need to use the bathroom for a few hours .////.

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d~d~dam .///. that green lingire with the ropes..hits super bloody hard!

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shes so freaking cute! im gonna get diabites again at how much cuteness im consuming from you >///<

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^///^ hehe yeah i hope to get something like that fitting for at least a few others of my cast who are battle made ocs

examples of ocs I hope to one day make armour for out of my 50+ cast

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