

Beliz/Bee |♓️| INTP

フォロー数:516 フォロワー数:194

Ikinci elden cringe oluyorum

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Stop everything you’re doing and drop a gif of an anime you really like https://t.co/zp75k8lz9Y

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Bu çıtırın adını bilen?

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Etiketleyecek kimsem yok ;-; ndnfnf zaten etiketlenmemiş olup isteyen yapsin https://t.co/kmRTq74bup

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💙Art Chain💙

Ben """horny""" insanları cizmeyi seviyorum (haha get it? get it??)

-creepy shit
-weird shit
-edgy shit
---> bunlar işte genel temalar

Kimseyi etiketlemiyorum isteyen yapsın💙✌️😗 https://t.co/sLz9bk1WBx

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16- Birdy (birdy the mighty 1996/decode)
Well i like 1996's design more ngl, but reboot's action scenes are *chef's kiss* 😗👌

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15- General Amaya (the dragon prince)

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