


フォロー数:685 フォロワー数:482

Yeah personally I love the moon swag. I mean it fits the sky bg so nicely.and yes with the Zombie hunters you get all 3 pics in one nft.

1 7

LFG!!!! Calling all zombies and hunters let’s get this party started and Spark the Zombi verse!!!!!

6 16

Welcome to Cardano.. One world one fam. Love the new vibes. Love all my communities and many more !!!

0 3

Sorry to hear that.This why I love the zc community. Plus the artist comes in the discord and hangs out when he has time. Plus the community itself is starting a dao. That the devs has allocated 3% of royalties to community now that’s what I call unity!!! Plus ZFC Q4 ..dope art 2

4 20

I got a strategy to send some fire girls in first to see..what 1 fire hand can do to the lighting guy first before I send one with 2 fire hands.

1 9