

26(they/she) • 🔞 • draws sometimes • critical role, dragon age, ffxiv and ocs • ⚠️ spoilers ⚠️

フォロー数:364 フォロワー数:59

throw back to the very instant i decided freya was a lucio fucker

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i commissioned to draw my oc Freya and i'm in love..!!
she looks so good 😭 <3

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my libra and wobin started dancing and i thought it was rly cute so went to screenshot it and

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id just started saving for his return banner and im so happy!!! i got him within my last 13 orbs....

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im a fan of the heart hunter update

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conpletely neutral wobin came home on free summon...... welcome home......
i have all wobins now.....

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new oc for stellamore lmao

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