

I’m 22, resident dumbass and Queen of Pepsi. My amazing profile pic and banner are by @rosetntedlilies.

フォロー数:345 フォロワー数:264

I fully agree, if I don’t look like this when I’m done transitioning I’ll die

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Without downloading pics what’s it like dating you https://t.co/EjbZceRkhX

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Thanks for doing an amazing job on this!!!

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A fact about me: if I’m making jokes about myself or at the expense of myself I’m sad and you should ask if I want a hug. Sayin this cuz I feel like shit rn cuz I only now realize that I’m unloved by my parents so that’s fun

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I constantly wish I looked like this

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I took a trip down memory lane while I found these and miss when I still kinned Asriel. Tbh I still kinda do

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How new players in smash play Jigglypuff vs how I play Jigglypuff for fun

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In case you wanted to see Jigglybuff

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I don’t know if I want him to...

And yes my favorite character of all time is fukin All Might, he’s really funny, adorable, and would probably delete your kneecaps if you stole a fucking lollipop from someone

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