Odd-One-Out Projectsさんのプロフィール画像

Odd-One-Out Projectsさんのイラストまとめ

Nendoroid & Plamo Collector
Follow @Nendo_Comics for Nendoroid 4-koma.

フォロー数:357 フォロワー数:381

I suspect that the mangaka for Senryu Shojo is a fan of Busujima. The lead male character is named Busujima Eiji (毒島 エイジ) & his little sister is named Busujima Hanabi (毒島 花火) which is basically a direct tribute to the Busujima-Style Fireworks move in Zombie Revenge lol.

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Remember, a battle-worn & exhausted Sanguinius was still able to lift Ka'Bandha up & then break his back like a twig.

You don't mess with the Golden Baals of Sanguinius.

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Unicron: Very well. I will provide you with a new body.

Nendoroid Megatron: Unicron!! What in the name of the All-Spark is this?! And you stop laughing Starscream!

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Random thought of the day - When you scroll through the menu & you see that the Omelitties Bento is the chef's recommendation.

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Random thought of the day -

"My friend, you would not tell with such high zest
To children ardent for some desperate glory,
The old Lie: Dulce et decorum est
Pro patria mori.*" - Dulce et Decorum Est, Wilfred Owen

*Latin for: It is sweet and fitting to die for one’s country.

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Random thought of the day - 1 Cardinal Hero & 3 Cardinal Douchebags:
1) Shield Hero: Chad-Lord Iwatani Naofumi
2) Spear Douchebag: Simpy McDumbass
3) Sword Douchebag: Sloppy Sourpuss
4) Bow Douchebag: Whiny Two-Face

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Reservations are already closed?!

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Random thought of the day - When talking about female MS pilots, not enough people talk about how badass Bianca Carlyle is:
- She killed a Bigro. With a GM.
- She defeats a Gogg & rescues Io. Underwater. With a damaged Guncannon Aqua.
- She plays free jazz.
- Tattoos. 🤩

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I think they even made a reference to Rorschach:

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