

kami oshi:💫💜 | personal & art account | ⚠ i rt and draw NSFW | 18+
pfp- aster
cover- @borkienoucessie pipinocadians 💜
th: Hoshee

フォロー数:520 フォロワー数:381

specially bred onionster do they count

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Yes whatever chiscara artists do on scara chz ( ;_; I forgot the artist for this one but it's on twt) some sort of alt femboy 👀

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10% bo'om 90% astra simp

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im so sorry scarle, some have suggested otome/ game charas so here's some honorable mentions😂
Vyn Richter- tears of themis, Kokichi Ouma- Drv3, Shou- Yttd, Unknown/ Saeran Choi- Mystic Messenger

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them! or any of them 👀
(mahito- jjk, alois trancy- blackbutler, tsukasa- tbhk, danny- aod [friend's suggestion ww])

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congrats for 40k nana your art is always amazing and i love your artstyle so much, good luck to everyone who's joining !!🫶

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Happy Birthday Basil! ♥🌱

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