


フォロー数:472 フォロワー数:2223


I am already loving the buildup so can't imagine the payoff episodes 😭

4 50

Door 8 ✅

I was enjoying this door from the start with all the character interactions and lighthearted moments but that last section destroyed me too much and the ending especially that last CG was absolutely beautiful and left me speechless

25 70

Yuru Camp S1 ✅

Most relaxing and soothing anime I have watched this year. Never thought that anime about camping can be this mesmerizing and beautiful. Cast is overall good but Rin's calm and Nadeshiko's energetic personality bring good balance to it. S2 next!!


13 97

Watching Megalo Box kinda reminds me of Cowboy bebop maybe because of MC hairstyle, dialogues and soundtracks which give that similar vibe and atmosphere to it

5 60

Okay I am loving this show. Simple romcom show with good SOL moments and likable characters

6 76

Love how these arcs main focus is about "regrets" of people but you can't change the outcome of the past so all you can do is move on and change your "now" instead however, MC tried to change it and now facing the consequences of those actions in a horrible way...

2 20

Best story so far and I have seen anime with this type of setting but this show handle the characters realistically and maturely instead of acting dumb which annoys me sometimes so I appreciate this

7 42

Caught up with Real and it was an amazing ride. I thoroughly enjoyed this manga especially how it makes me so much invested in characters struggle and their hardships without getting repetitive or boring was great. Love the cast and definitely one of my favorite manga


6 85

Completed Sangatsu No Lion S2 Rewatch
Rating: 9.5-10

This show is easily one of the best SOL anime I have ever watched. I wasn't big fan of Sangatsu before but now I can definitely say it is one of my favorite. Rei and Hina both are also one of my favorite characters oat.

28 133