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♠️ Marching Motor Show 🌸 Paired Legend (Bloomed)

1 2

👥 Lucky Bunny 🍳 Chaperone Bunny

1 1

👥 Lucky Bunny 🍳 Chaperone Bunny

5 6

🍳 Phantom Hungry (Chibi 5* Motion)

1 1

🍳 Phantom Hungry (Chibi 5* Motion)

1 0

👥 Shards of a Desired Brilliance (Chibi 5* Motion)

1 0

🎰 Reversal and Surprise 👥 Secrets and Surprise 🍳 Satisfaction and Surprise (Bloomed)

3 5

🎰 An Outsider's Value 👥 Hidden Feelings 🍳 Melody Delivered to Your Heart (Unbloomed)

3 3