Day 🍑 TDLOSK & MP100 Brainrotさんのプロフィール画像

Day 🍑 TDLOSK & MP100 Brainrotさんのイラストまとめ

I don’t care about your past, all that matters to me now is the present and the future! | @dartboardcolors | MP100 & TDLOSK enthusiast | They/He | 15 | 🇲🇽🇺🇸

フォロー数:773 フォロワー数:509
# saikik

anyways i finished the drawing i was making but i got rid of the hand because i COULD NOT draw it
// blood

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i loosely traced the original picture to make this drawing
why? because i was bored and didnt feel like making a drawing from scratch

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i have over 70 ocs and continue to make more
anyways guess what his favorite color is

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the only thing i could think while coloring her glow was that someone called it a piss cloud

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note to self: i suck ass at drawing saiki characters

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forgot to post these two but im drawing hairo today so ill post that when im done also dont ask what the context of the aren one is bc i dont know i just kinda did that

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no im definitely not obsessed with saiki k again

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was bored and wanted to humanize an ii character so heres Suitcase

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