

Digital Artist | Gamer | PNGVtuber
I just love playing games and drawing!
I stream every week- check post for updates~

フォロー数:37 フォロワー数:47

Stream Ending!

I got a lot done, with some last minute basket drawing!
I'm quite proud of this so far, I can't wait to finish it!

Raided to spread the love. Follow them too! Great artist and animator!

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* Stream Schedule Post! *
[1/30] Genshin Impact- Lantern Rite!
[1/31] MH:R Master Rank hunting!
[2/1] Wednesday Night Drawing - Yao Yao

All streams are going to be in a row so that I can have some time off to visit my mother this weekend.

Hope to see you all there!

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Stream End!

More progress on Yao Yao, and had to change a few things from the original design.
I got really tired and ended stream a bit earlier than normal, but I still had a good time!

Raided a fellow streamer by the name of Plururu_ for chill art vibes for the weekend.

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-* Weekly Stream Schedule! *-

[1/23] Lostbelt 5.5 Read along. (Little Tengu event farming after?)
[1/25] MonHun:Rise - High Rank material hunting / story progress
[1/27] Friday Night Drawing- Yao Yao piece

I can't wait to see you all there!~

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I swear, this is the best CE art in FGO.
Raikou being a full-fledged mama is such an adorable moment.

Im definitely going to max this CE as soon as I can.

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Genshin Update is pretty nice and all, but Yao Yao coming home is the best feeling ever.

She's just too adorable!

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*STREAM SCHEDULE for the week of Jan 16th!*
[1/16] Lostbelt 5.5 Story Read-Along!
[1/18] Monster Hunter Rise: High Rank!
[1/20] Friday Night Drawing!

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** WEEKLY SCHEDULE for Jan 9, 2023 **

[1/9] FGO LB5.5 Story!
[1/11] Monster Hunter: Rise (PC)!
[1/13] Friday Night Drawing!

Hope to see you all at the farm! I can't wait to see you all again after so long!

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This npc design is just top tier! I totally wanna make fan art now!

Aside from this, I like the new event. The brick break minigame is a bit difficult to get used to, but it's actually quite fun! Especially the boss fight stages.

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Stream ending!
What a wild night, with all the wind and snow here banging against the window.

I did make a lot of progress this stream, and I am glad that it is turning out well!
Thanks for those who joined and chatted!

Raided to spread the cheer!

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