

✑ illustration/animation/design/video ➣ making czechimation for Dreamsettler @_Tendershoot ➸ host of @fpsychreanimate and @wepnocr ➲ he/they ❥ @sqribblings

フォロー数:2867 フォロワー数:4142

audio crackling sounds

15 100

You got gutz kid
TW mild body horror

2 34

if you could encapsulate your aesthetic in one to two images, what would they be, heres mine

3 43

my half of an art trade with of mizue!

12 172

Some design work (for fun!)

5 26

what the fuck
I did not plan this

2 28


4 48

test thing not necessarily for anything, just thought it looked cool

1 19