

Part time degen full time web3 enthusiast and learner. love collecting these jpegs

フォロー数:2888 フォロワー数:2398

These look so damn good . Didn’t get a rare but love them non the less.

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I love my golden Morpheus cat. Great work !

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Love the way dropped today. They had you go through their metaverse in order to enter the mint page. Then you had to pay 1650gwei. Still love the 6 I was able to mint

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Picked up this splendid piece by . Hopefully I can add more of your work to my collection during the next drop, if OS functions properly for me.

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Got some nice looking bears from the drop. Great work and the rest of the team!

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It's always nice to diversify you NFT portfolio, so I picked up these fine art pieces

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