aster aliasさんのプロフィール画像

aster aliasさんのイラストまとめ

⚧️/lesbian | animation student | oc/multi-interest | don't forget to say something true and beautiful today (contact: [email protected])

フォロー数:232 フォロワー数:9381

the trigun stampede blu ray covers

1538 5074

resurrect the sun

144 249

commission for @.castcassize

7 20

‼️ limbus company spoilers ‼️ 🔨🔃🐣

260 809

two hyperfixations in one 👍

13 74

this love! this love! like fire burning in my veins!

9 49

caught up to limbus company 's current chapters. you can never guess who my favorites are

412 1076

when you are dead, to be alive pains me.

34 161

⚠️limbus spoilers / limbus company spoilers / lc spoilers warning ‼️

sinclair ...

501 1308